Individual Therapy

Blocked from the Change You Want?

Individual therapy is simply for anyone who wants to make a change…

… but has run into roadblocks doing it on their own.

Change can look like relational shifts, new ways of thinking, emotional transformations, behavioral adjustments… any life change whatsoever.

If you are reading this, some desire for change prompted you to find our website…

… and individual therapy is for you.

Change Is Hard

We all have experience wanting to make a change but getting stuck… over and over again.

When we try to change our behavior, relationships, or thought patterns, we tend to focus a lot on willpower.

And when we “fail,” we can be very hard on ourselves.

Unfortunately, this often just creates a downward spiral of feeling defeated and trying harder next time.

Powerful Offerings

Individual therapy is powerful.

First, it offers you a space of unconditional acceptance and compassion.

You’re accepted right here, right now—no matter how messy or broken you may feel.

Second, it offers you unrelenting hope for change and growth.

We Start Where You Are

In therapy, we start where you are—wherever that is.

Therapy is, first and foremost, an opportunity to allow yourself to be fully seen and known in a safe space.

The ability to be vulnerable with a witness who holds unconditional acceptance…

… provides an amazing vantage point to explore and redefine your goals, values, and dreams.

Moving You toward Your Goals

From there, we move toward your goals with unrelenting hope. It may not be a straight line: It might be two steps forward and one step back, but we move toward your goals with self-compassion and courageous expectation.

Your Own Compassion and Hope

Most of our clients do not start out with self-acceptance, self-compassion, and hope. But we encourage them to “borrow” ours for them. And over time, they start to experience their own compassion and hope—in their own voice.

If you’d like to explore how individual therapy can help you make a change… Please don’t hesitate to request a free, 20-minute phone consultation: (323) 379-2147