Couples and Family Therapy

When our relationships with those we love the most are suffering or stuck, it can be hard to focus on anything else. We may feel like we are in the same cycles or patterns over and over again, with no insight on what to do differently. What’s worse, we may look around at other couples or families and feel like we are the only ones struggling with relationship challenges.

The truth is: relationships are hard.

Developing healthy, working relationships with our loved ones can be challenging for all of us. Our relationships have the potential to bring more joy to our lives than almost anything else, but they also have the potential to cause incredible pain and grief. Different communication styles, competing needs and desires, intergenerational trauma and brokenness … our relationships are up against a lot.

But you don’t have to navigate these challenges alone.

In couples or family therapy, we’ll start by exploring what has and hasn’t been working within your relationship(s). Next, we’ll examine what each family member or partner is wanting and needing from the other(s) and from the relationship.

We’ll work on really hearing each other – and communicating in ways in which each person can be heard more easily. And we’ll practice expressing the love that you have for each other in ways that each person can hear and receive it.

There is hope for your relationship.

If you’re ready to explore the next steps in relational healing and growth, feel free to reach out to request a free 20-minute phone consultation.